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  • corinnaluetsch

What is study coaching?

Happy student after study coaching

The aim of study coaching is to make a person's learning activities more effective. In study coaching, counselling, e.g. on learning techniques or brain-friendly learning, and the solution of personal learning difficulties, from time management to obstructive beliefs, complement each other.

Learning coaching for your studies

Lina, a second-semester student in business informatics, took advantage of study coaching because, contrary to expectations, her studies were very stressful, especially during the examination phase. The study coaching revealed that the learning strategies that had got her through her A-levels were inadequate for university study. In addition, Lina quickly became bored while studying, as she always used the same learning strategy regardless of the subject matter. In study coaching, she learnt new learning strategies that were better suited to her subject matter and brought variety into her learning day.

Study coaching is more than counseling

Lina had also read that many successful people start the day with an early sports session. She struggled unsuccessfully with trying to go jogging for half an hour before university. During study coaching, Lina realised that her personal biorhythm was getting in the way of this plan. She found three time slots, after long study sessions at university and at home, in which her body was happy to exercise and has now integrated this into her everyday life.

After a 1-hour coaching session, Lina now finds her studies much more relaxed.

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